Airplane Gallery
About the Replika... Special Edition... Airplane History... Performance Data... Parts Display...
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Airplane Gallery
When I first came to Japan I was very suprised to see that there were
            so many different aircraft types produced in Japan during and before the 2nd war , and all inderpendantly from the rest of Aisia and the world ,We were also very impressed with the time , skill and artwork that Model Makers , Collectors and Mania would devote to their models , and though we have the highest respect for plastik injection plastik model kit manufacturers , it appears that there must be a “niche” for Limited Production Run on Superfine “lost wax” models - “All Metal” kits and completed models - the real thing .
            Lost Wax is vastly different from (a) low temperature soft white metal casting and (b) zink alloy die casting (details of which are not fine by comparison) . And I was therefor inspired to make this 1st special edition in silver as a suitable material to produce the miniature scale replika to archival quality and which would gain in value with time . To achieve “Superfine” detail we have chosen to use the lost wax casting method plus our own new technology which has made it possible to produce in small editions . Making this a unique first time product , creating a new catagory . Nakajima 803 Nakajima 803 Nakajima 803 Moulds -- for Wax Injection -- Fusalarge Parts
We have extensivly researched data and produced drawings from which
highly detailed Master Paterns have been made “entirely by hand” -- (not “cad cam”) . Master Pattern Section (All Hand Made) The resulting castings are delicate and fine - the wall depth is between
- 1.0 - 0.7 - 0.5 - 0.4 - (depending on the parts) and the details show pannel lines and riveting points , whilst parts such as prop blades trailing edges cowling rear edges (as fine as 0.2mm) are honed to razor sharpness . From left to right ---- Master pattern . Wax Pattern . Test Casting (Brass)
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Airplane Gallery
Nakajima 803 Nakajima 803 Nakajima 803 Nakajima 803
Nakajima 803 Nakajima 803
Nakajima 803 Nakajima 803
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Airplane Gallery
About the History --
            Nakajima Ki-11 Experimental Interceptor Fighter The Nakajima interceptor Fighter was designated Ki-11 for trial by the Army . There were 3 variants - 801 , 803 . and 804 . This aircraft was the first in Japan - a low wing monoplace single seater interceptor fighter . Nakajima 801 AN1 & 801 Nakajima Ki-11 The chief engineer, Yashushi Oyama , introduced the designer Enoue Masaloku to develop the Ki-11 which was to have an all metal mono - cock fusalarge with fabric covered wooden ribbed wings , elevator , fin and rudder . The tail plane was of wooden construction also , but surfaced - with plywood not fabric .
The wing to fusalarge was supported with bracing wires and a metal sparr . The wing rout to fusalarge was beautiful faired and the carriage was entirely enveloped with spats , even the wheels had auxilliary spats which became visable when extended in flight . Special attention was given to drag reduction and streemlining . 803 Nakajima 803 Therefore with the powerfull Kotobuki Ha-8 nine cylander radial geared engine , the Ki-11 was able to achieve the speed record for Japan in 1935 in excess of 400 km/h .
            Though likened to the American Boeing P26A , the Nakajima Ki-11 was superior and faster than the Boeing which achieved a top speed of 377 km/h . Whilist the Nakajima's speed was 420 km/h . The differance in rate of climb was also 3,050 metres in 4,5 secs . For the Boeing and 5,000 in 6 seconds for the Nakajima .
The Ki-11 was evaluated by the flight research group in Tachicawa ,  and as a result the compeditive Kawasaki Ki-10 was chosen over  the Ki-11 . Notably for its dog fighting and intercepting  characteristics , though it was obvious that the Ki-11 had many  advantages especially in terms of maintenance . Also for the  future  development of the Ki-27 . Which was to become the “97” . In addition the Kotabuki 3 engine was more powerfull and superior  in design to the Kawasaki Ha 911 BMW engine . 
            The Ki-11 was also piloted by Marcel Dray , Who was visiting Japan  at the time to demonstrate the French Dewoitine D-510 , Marcel  praised the high performance of the AN1 ( the enclosed canopy  version with the 2 bladed propellor ) and its manouverability in a  low flying acrobatic demonstation . 
            Even though it was declined by the by the military the Ki-11 was  the fastest fighter plane for its time , and was surpassed only in  1936 by the Mitsubishi Ki-15 “Kami Kaze” (March 1937) .
The brilliant performance of the Ki-11 decided the Asahi News Co.  to buy the 804 version . The new owners removed the machine guns  and the planes new designation became the AN1 . In 1936 March  1st a new speed record was achieved by the pilot Masaki Enuma in  the AN1 . Masaki Enuma Masaki Enuma Photo Also in the same year a record , June , a record was set in a flight  from Hokaido to Tokyo in the fasted time to bring a photo of the eclypse for publication , against all other newspaper contestants .
            A new record was set for the fastest courrier plane at 400 km/h .
            Which drew much public attention . 
            By 1937 the AN1 became the practice plane for what was to become the world record breaking flight - from Hanada to Croydon Airport in England Piloted by Enuma with flight engineer Stukakoshi .
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Performance Data

            Max Speed - 420 km/h . At $ 0,00 metres .
            Cruising Speed - 350 Km/h .
            Rate of climb - 3,000 metres / 3 mins . 30 secs .
            Rate of climb - 5,000 metres / 6 mins 9 secs .
            Service Ceiling - 8,760 metres .
            Duration at cruising speed - 2 hrs . 30 mins .
            Take off Run - 200 metres .
            Landing Run - 410 metres .

            2 Type 98 7.7 mm . fixed machine guns - 500 rpm .
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Airplane Gallery
Parts Display (Use Mouse to Zoom) Parts Assembly (Click to Zoom) Tail Plane . Elevators . Rudder & Fin . Tail Cone . Tail Skid . Tail Plane . Elevators . Rudder & Fin . Tail Cone . Tail Skid . Tail Plane . Elevators . Rudder & Fin . Tail Cone . Tail Skid . Tail Plane . Elevators . Rudder & Fin . Tail Cone . Tail Skid . Tail Plane . Elevators . Rudder & Fin . Tail Cone . Tail Skid .
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